Please check our new
Chayanne News page for the most current information on Chayanne!

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May 30, 2000
Press Release
Due to the interest of some mass media in having information
about Chayanne's mother health, Doña Irma Figueroa Arce, this office informs
that actually, her health is delicate. Because of this several medical
tests are being done to her in Puerto Rico.
Chayanne, as all of you know, has always maintained his family life away
from his artistic activities. He thanks the interest of the press and
asks at the same time in his own name and in his family's, the greatest
respect, consideration, and understanding, of the situation that they
are going trough at this moment.
News Director
The Chayanne Fan Site
May 21, 2000 Update
Since our last update, we have added content to the following
Thanks to Susie, Maru, and Carol.
The Chayanne Fan Site
May 10, 2000
New Video
During the last 3 days in San Bernardino's dessert, California
(about 3 hours from Los Angeles), the shooting of Chayanne's new video
"Boom Boom" took place. It will be launched during the next
weeks only in the European Market.
The launching of this single was due to Salome's success
in Europe. It was neccesary to present a new theme to mantain and add
popularity to the well-known singer. The video will be presented to the
press in France, where Chayanne will travel to fulfill with his t.v. obligations.
The video was produced by CLV from France, so all the production
group came from Paris to Los Angeles, where the castings and auditions
for dancers and extras were released, and all the details for the shooting
were completed. This one takes place in a complete natural ambient, being
very few the elements that decorate it. According to the video's concept,
the choreography should be the main part of it, for the fascination and
good reception from the public to Chayanne's sensual and rhythmic movements,
who they qualify as best pop dancer.
Without doubts, if Europe wants to see Chayanne dancing "Boom Boom"
will be
an opportunity that should not be lost.
News Director
The Chayanne Fan Site
May 8, 2000
News From Chayanne's Management
According to Chayanne's management at the moment there are
not plans of doing concerts this year. Before any concert he needs to
record his new album which is in pre-production now.
On another note, "Boum Boum" would only be promoted
in the European market (France) and for the time being it won't be included
in his new album.
News Director
The Chayanne Fan Site
April 27, 2000
Chayanne Nominated For "Premios Lo Nuestro 2000"
Hola Chayfans,
Today I talked with Chayanne's management company. He has
been nominated for Best Male Singer to be presented in "Premios Los
Nuestro 2000" to be shown on Univision on Friday, May 5th at 8 p.m.
Chayanne will not attend but there will most likely be a tape presentation
about him at that time.
Carol Saunders
Publicity Director
The Chayanne Fan Site
April 19, 2000
News From Chayanne's Dancer Nancy
Hi Chayfans!
We have received some news from Nancy. She said that they
are shooting Chayanne's new video, "Boum Boum", in L.A. next
May 1st and 2nd. That's great news, cause we are looking forward to seeing
it! Thanks Nancy!!!
News Director
The Chayanne Fan Site
April 17, 2000
"Viva El Romance" In Concert
Last Saturday April 8th, Chayanne performed along with other
artists as Ricardo Montaner, Charlie Zaa, Emannuel and Jaci Velasquez.
This event took place in Miami. Chayanne sang two songs "Salomé"
and "Atado a tu Amor" with great success.
News Director
The Chayanne Fan Site
March 24, 2000
Chayanne's Award
Yesterday evening, Sony, presented Chayanne with the certification
issued by "The Recording Industry Association Of America", "better
known as RIA, for sales upper than 500.000 copies in the United States,
of his album "Atado a tu amor".
That presentation took place in Joia restaurant in Miami
Beach, and all the local and Puertoricans' mass media were there. Oscar
Llord, President of Sony, presented Chayanne with the well deserved disc,
eulogizing the ascending career of the artist. Chayanne thanked the tribute,
talked about his projects, his success in Europe, apart from the recording
of his new album which is planned to have some themes, if not all, in
News Director
The Chayanne Fan Site
March 17, 2000
News From Chayanne's Management
Chayanne is now in the preparation of his new album, but
he hasn't started the recording yet. On the other hand, he won't have
promotion by the moment. As soon as some promotion is confirmed, they
will let us know.
News Director
The Chayanne Fan Site
March 16, 2000
News From Chayanne's Management
Continuing with the success he has achieved in Europe until
now, last Friday artist CHAYANNE just received the coveted "Silver
Award" in France, by sales of more than one hundred fifty thousand
copies of his single "Salomé," which without a doubt, has opened
the door for him in that one particularly difficult market.
Also, he took advantage of his visit to launch, exclusively, in the well-known
television channel 2 in France, and in stellar schedule, his second Spanish
single for that particular market. The song recently recorded by the artist
is entitled "Boum Boum" and although it was composed by a Frenchman,
Estefano produced and arranged the song.
According to Sony Discos, they hope that this song will become the hit
of the summer based on the high praises and positive welcome that it received
during its launching in France.
News Director
The Chayanne Fan Site
March 12, 2000
Chayanne in France
Hi Chayfans! Our friend Tina from France has provided us
some news.
Chayanne was in Paris last week. He arrived on Monday (10.20am) and made
some rehearsals for a prime time TV around 2.00 pm. He made Salomé and
his new song, specially made for France called "Boum-Boum" with
a fantastic Choregraphy made by Nancy. On the evening he went to a place
called Latina Café on the Champs Elysées for a live radio show. On tuesday,he
had a lot of pres interviews with photo sessions and in the evening we
went to record the TV show it last until 1.00am. They gave him a silver
disc as a reward for the sales of Salomé in France.
Thanks a lot for sharing this information with us Tina!
News Director
The Chayanne Fan Site
March 9, 2000 Update
Since our last update, we have added content to the following
Thanks to Chayfans Jeannie, Maru, Maria, Vivian, and Barbara!
The Chayanne Fan Site
March 7, 2000
Small Update
I have just completed a very small update to our Los
Chicos Photos. Chayfan Mary has contributed many photos from her extensive
collection, and there are more to come!
The Chayanne Fan Site
March 6, 2000 Welcomes New Directors
As always, our Chayfans are willing to step forward and
help out the site. As of today:
Maru will be our News Director.
Carol Saunders will be our Publicity Director.
Susie will be our Membership Director.
The Chayanne Fan Site
February 22, 2000 Update
Since our last update, we have added content to the following
Thanks to Chayfans Jeannie, Maru, Ana, Jeni, Maria, Vivian, Miryam, and
The Chayanne Fan Site
February 18, 2000
Final Message From Jeannie
Hi, Chayfans,
I am writing you to say goodbye to all of you, and especially to the
good friends I've made at this website. This will be my last message,
as I am no longer going to be an active fan promoting Chayanne, nor a
participant in any Chayanne website.
I can't adequately express how much I've enjoyed all of my activities
with you all, and especially my wonderful relationship with Melanie, our
webmaster. She is undoubtedly one of the kindest, smartest and general
all-around "first-class" women I've had the pleasure of knowing
and working with. I think we've been wonderful partners. I have nothing
but affection and admiration for her!
My reasons for leaving have nothing to do with Melanie or this website,
but instead have to do with frustration in my role as liaison to Chayanne's
management. I do not intend to discuss this situation at length either
on this Message Board or in private email among Chayfans. This situation
is between me and them, and that's my final word.
I will miss you all terribly, but as we all know will happen, we'll all
adjust, and Melanie's website will go on thriving. My love and good wishes
go out to you all -
And, for the last time
Jeannie Slusher
Membership/Publicity Director
The Chayanne Fan Site
February 13, 2000 Valentine Greetings To Chayanne
Just a note to let everyone know that Chayanne has already
received his homemade Valentine treats (goodies) from us. His management
told us that they all enjoyed them, but "especially Chayanne".
The Valentine Book of Chayfans' personal greetings compiled
by Cheryl will be delivered to him tomorrow. We'll let you know what we
Jeannie Slusher
Membership/Publicity Director
The Chayanne Fan Site
February 11, 2000 Update
Since our last update, we have added content to the following
The Chayanne Fan Site
February 7, 2000
News From Nancy - Chayanne's Lead Dance Partner
Recently, we spoke with Nancy, Chayanne's lead dance partner,
about some of your questions and requests of her. First the BAD news,
and then the GOOD news:
THE BAD NEWS: As to whether she will be with Chayanne on
his NEXT tour (to support the NEW CD) - she said that she isn't sure if
she will be back with Chayanne for the next album, that they've now been
together for over 2 1/2 years. Nancy said that sometimes it's nice to
change dancers and to see new faces, but, that she will see what happens.
Now, THE GOOD NEWS: Nancy has agreed to a "chat"
in the Chayfans Chat Room! (We will arrange the chat AFTER the current
tour ends.)
Thanks, Nancy, for your friendliness and willingness to
share with Chayfans!
Jeannie Slusher
Membership/Publicity Director
The Chayanne Fan Site
February 2, 2000
Message To From Chayanne's Management
We just received the following message from Chayanne's management about
the numerous accolades has received recently:
"Congratulations, you all have done a terrific job with the website.
Keep up the good work!"
Jeannie Slusher
Membership/Publicity Director
The Chayanne Fan Site
January 26, 2000
It's time to create our Valentine's Day Booklet for Chayanne!
Here are the ground rules:
You are sending Chayanne Valentine wishes, not telling
him of your wishes, asking for signed photos, tour books, etc. This
is for Chayanne.
All wishes must be received by February 7th (any wishes
received after that date will not be included). Please understand
that I am boarding a plane on the 10th to see the man himself in Mexico
and this gives me only 2 whole days to prepare the book and PACK!
Chayanne will receive the booklet before Valentine's
Send your wishes to
Please do not make your wishes any longer than what
would fill one 8.5 by 11 page with 12 point font. This will assure
that your message fits on one page at a reasonable size.
Do not use all capital letters.
Write your message in any language. It will not be translated.
You will receive an e-mail confirmation from me upon
receipt of your greeting.
Please include your name, e-mail, and country to show
Chayanne how international is.
I promise to put together a Valentine's Booklet you all
can be proud of. If you have any questions, send them to me at
Special Booklets Coordinator
The Chayanne Fan Site
January 23, 2000
Red Cross Update
Congratulations are in order!
I would like to express my heartfelt thanks to all the Chayfans
for your generous contributions to the American Red Cross. Your efforts
will bear results in the lives of the Venezuelan people and I hope that
brings you great personal satisfaction. There really is strength in numbers.
I am pleased to announce that together we raised $1,385.00
for the victims of the deadly mudslides and flooding in Venezuela. I received
the last check yesterday and will be sending the money to the American
Red Cross tomorrow in the name of " - Chayanne Fan Website."
Personally I am proud to be a part of and to
all participants in this fundraiser, you have my respect, my admiration
and my gratitude.
Thank you!
Jeni Venezuelan Relief Effort Coordinator
January 18, 2000 Update
Since our last update, we have added content to the following
The Chayanne Fan Site
January 7, 2000
New Sony Discos Contest Giveaway
SONY DISCOS and CHAYFANS.ORG, are pleased to announce a
new Chayanne contest giveaway! SONY DISCOS has generously donated the
ITEM #1 - 12 photographs of Chayanne's album cover shot from "Volver
A Nacer" - these are high quality, BLACK AND WHITE, 8 X 10, matte
finish photos on heavy stock paper of the pose of Chayanne gazing down
at the rose in his hand.
ITEM #2 - 12 photographs of the "Dance With Me" poster shot
most commonly associated with the movie (Chayanne and Vanessa dancing,
with Vanessa's leg raised) - these are high quality, COLOR, 8 X 10, matte
finish photos on heavy stock paper.
ITEM #3 - 12 photographs of item #2, but in BLACK AND WHITE, glossy finish.
1. Send a SELF-ADDRESSED, STAMPED, 9 X 12-inch envelope to the following
address. (NOTE: Larger size envelopes will NOT be accepted.) The envelope
must have postage affixed that is sufficient for its return mailing PLUS
postage for 4 ounces extra to allow for the photo.
Send to:
P.O. Box 1008
Larkspur, CA 94977
2. Include an 8 1/2 X 11 inch piece of paper with the following information:
A. Your name and address
B. Your request of ONE song only for Chayanne to record in English (from
any source).
C. Answer this question: If you had to choose ONE, which would you most
like from Chayanne next? A new movie or a new concert tour?
NOTE: This information has NOT been requested by SONY DISCOS. We will
be providing your original letters and a compilation of this information
to SONY DISCOS as our opportunity to provide feedback about fan wishes.
RULES/DETAILS: Only one entry per person, please! Winners will receive
ONE of the above items only, not one of each type of photo. Photos will
be distributed to winners in the following order - first item #1 above,
next #2, next #3.
The contest giveaway will be concluded when the supply of 36 photos has
been exhausted. Envelopes and postage of non-winners will NOT be returned.
Last day to postmark your entry is Friday, January 14, 2000. Orders with
incorrect envelope size or insufficient postage will not be mailed.
NOTE RE CHAYFANS IN OTHER COUNTRIES: We are an international website of
Chayanne fans. Our intent is to be fair to everyone, no matter where they
are located. As long as you have postmarked your entry before Friday,
January 14, 2000, your entry will be considered equally with all others.
Thank you, SONY DISCOS, for providing the beautiful photos to us, and
good luck to all Chayfans!
Jeannie Slusher
Membership/Publicity Director
The Chayanne Fan Site
January 6, 2000 Venezuelan Relief Effort
Many of you know about the plans for to make
a group donation to the American Red Cross for the Victims of the deadly
flooding and mudslides in Venezuela. We have set the "deadline"
for next Friday, January 14th. So if you plan to donate, please send your
check as soon as you can. Email
me for my address if you don't already have it. For those who have
already sent their donation THANKS! We are over the $1,000.00 mark!!
To recap here is the plan:
I contacted the American Red Cross and they told me that if you wish to
donate, please make a check payable to the "American Red Cross."
You can send it direct to your local chapter. But I thought would be nice
if we could gather up the checks from those who want to donate and send
them to the American Red Cross as a lump sum on behalf of "
- Chayanne's Fans".
So here is what I have proposed, make your check to the
American Red Cross and send them to me. I will then forward the checks
to the Red Cross Chapter located near me, with the specific mention that
the money be used for the Venezuelan Flood Victims.
I took the following quote from the Little Judy's La Musica News today.
"While an accurate account of the tragedy remains unknown,
many estimate the deaths could number as high as 20,000. What is known
is that more than 23,000 homes have been destroyed and 200,000 Venezuelans
have been left homeless."
These people really need our help. So send what you can
and don't worry if you are not able to contribute very much. Every little
bit will help once it is pooled with the money worldwide
Jeni Venezuelan Relief Effort Coordinator
Chayanne Tops Billboard's Year End Charts
From Chayanne's Official
Billboard 1999
The Year in Music
( ) artist or song position in the chart
- - - - - - -
Top Latin Pop Artists - Chayanne (7)
Top Latin Pop Album - Atado A Tu Amor (8)
Hot Latin Pop Track Artists - Chayanne (3)
Hot Latin Pop Tracks - Dejaria Todo (1)
Top Billboard Latin 50 Album Artists - Chayanne (14)
Top Billboard Latin 50 Albums - Atado a Tu Amor (14) /
Dance With Me - Soundtrack (12)
Hot Latin Tracks Artists - Chayanne (6)
Hot Latin Tracks - Dejaria Todo (8)
Top Tropical/Salsa Album - Dance With Me (5)
Jeannie Slusher
Membership/Publicity Director
The Chayanne Fan Site
Please check our new Chayanne
News page for the most current information on Chayanne!
Please see the news archive for more