Mi Tiempo


Be prepared for your teenybopper to hit up the family rainy-day fund: Chayanne’s coming to town, and hormone hell follows with him.

The 38-year-old Latin heartthrob, born Elmer Figueroa-Arce, entered showbiz at age eleven when he joined the Puerto Rican boy band Los Chicos. The group set its sights on overtaking Menudo and came close, eventually settling on playing second-banana to their rivals. Along the way there were five albums, a weekly TV show, and a made-for-TV feature film.


About Melanie

Melanie ha sido fan de Chayanne desde que escuchó por primera vez "Fiesta en América" ​​en 1988. Comenzó el sitio web de en 1998. Melanie has been a Chayanne fan since she first heard "Fiesta en America" in 1988. She started The Chayanne Fans web site in 1998.

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